• PA Farm Country Bald Eagles

    “Eagles have nested in this vicinity for at least 15 years. It is believed that when a nest collapsed about three miles away, the pair built a new nest at this location. The eagles nesting in this area have successfully reared three young most years. Two adults have been spotted adding nest material since the cameras were installed in late October 2019. We can expect that the female may lay eggs mid-February and that viable eggs could hatch mid- to late-March. Young may fledge in June and continue to stop by the nest throughout the rest of the summer.” - HDonTap.com

  • Three Bridges Eagle Cam

    “Bald eagles have made an inspiring recovery against overwhelming odds in New Jersey and across the eastern United States. From just a single nesting pair at a failing nest through the early 1980s, eagles have rebounded to over 300 pairs in 2020!” - Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ

  • East Falmouth, MA Ospreys

    “This nest has been utilized for the past 7-8 years, however it is uncertain if the active nesting pair is the original occupants of this nest. “ - HDonTap.com

Thank you to the PA Game Commission, Friends of the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge, and HDOnTap.com!